When stock investors evaluate shares, they rely on equity analysts' analysis and buy/hold/sell recommendations. Equity analysts systematically gather information about companies, their financial standing, and future outlook, providing external insights to support investors' decisions.
SMB owners are also investors. They own the shares of their company. However, unlike stock investors, SMB owners are typically majority owners, and their investments are rarely diversified.
Both stock investors and SMB owners share the goal of maximizing the value of their ownership, meaning the long-term returns they derive from the business.
But who can offer analysis services to SMB owners? This is where the accountant steps in: not just as an accounting expert, but as the SMB owner’s equity analyst.
What can an accountant reveal with Riskrate?
SMB owners know their businesses inside and out. They understand their customers, their services, and how to run daily operations. However, the company’s financial situation can be complex and hard to grasp without analysis provided by an accounting professional.
The role of an equity analyst is to handle intricate financial data and make it comprehensible to investors. Similarly, accountants can provide SMB owners with customized analyses of riskrate.
With the Riskrate, and accountant, SMB owners can uncover essential insights, such as: where the money is coming from, how much they can withdraw as dividends, whether their prepayments of taxes are in line with the taxable profit/-loss estimate, whether there’s enough money to cover upcoming bills, what's the financial direction for the next year and so on.
Good advice is more valuable than a bank loan
When SMB owners understand their company’s strengths and weaknesses, they can make better decisions faster and on time. This understanding helps increase the long-term value of the company for its owner.
Often, SMB owners seek loans to strengthen cash flow. However, the Riskrate Reports from their accounting firm might reveal alternative solutions, such as cost optimization or improving sales efficiency.
Maximizing ownership value doesn’t happen overnight. For SMB owners, the accountant serves as an equity analyst, whose regular guidance helps them understand their financial situation, anticipate necessary actions, and make sound decisions. In the long run, the ultimate goal is to maximize the value of the entrepreneur’s ownership.

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