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High prices do not mean lost profits

Focus on the top line, and the Cash will follow

The rise in energy prices and labor shortages will flow indirectly into almost everything now as freight, logistics, production, and other costs rise. In addition, the availability of steel, aluminum, glass, and timber has declined, and prices have risen. But higher prices do not mean lost profits. Defensive industries are relatively stable or immune to economic fluctuations. The cash flow risk is low, and the cash forecast is likely to remain flat, so the salaries, spendings & debts are easy to predict.

Cyclical industries are sensitive to the business cycle: revenues are higher in an upturn and lower in a downturn. For a cyclical company, flexible spending and cost structure is essential: it helps if the top line has fallen sharply. riskrate can help you to keep margins and optimize product prices by giving insights about your product names and customers' purchases.

Optimize the top line, and the rest will follow.

With strict Cash flow management, no panic.

By optimizing the topline, product prices, and payment terms, the rest will follow. Analyse product pricing, volumes, and churn by your top customers and products with ease at riskrate. When you negotiate new prices with customers, keep payment terms in mind. Payment time is your funding to your customer without collateral or an interest fee, and the cost of payment time is now becoming higher. Use riskrate's customer payment time analysis to improve your purchasing power.

  • Get confidence about your Cash flow today, next weeks, and months by consolidating data from banks and finance tools into a live cash forecast. No manual work is needed.

  • Product prices, volumes, and payment times go hand in hand. The cost of payment time is now becoming higher for you.

  • Optimize Cash flow and automate cash flow management by tracking real-time KPIs.

Improve productivity by minimizing procrastination.

Improve productivity by minimizing those countless things that can steal your team’s attention away from work. Keep things simple, review goals daily, and minimize time-wasting activities like slicing & dicing, meetings, and procrastination.

Use productivity tools in pricing, cash forecast, cash flow risk management, and marketing. Technology can be our most extensive help and our biggest distraction. When used for good, pricing, cash, and marketing tools can boost your business productivity.

Allocate resources profitably by knowing product prices, volumes, and payment times.

Allocate resources profitably and optimize pricing by knowing your product prices, volumes, and payment times. Use cash flow data to re-negotiate agreements, both supply and demand sides. Get better insights and benchmark to the last month, quarter, or last year smoothly. Consider competing options.

  • Zoom in on trends and each product with a full history

  • Be aware of the hidden changes in demand you may have missed

  • Be aware of the hidden spending you may have missed

Diversify your Customer base to optimize cash flow risk.

Understanding who is your TOP 10 customers helps not only to boost the top line but also diversify your Customer base. Even if you have many customers, it’s risky if they are too similar and could be affected by a similar change in business or the market. For example, if all TOP 10 customers are from the cyclical industries or are based in Sweden or the US, an unfavorable change in the exchange rate could see them all drastically reduce their orders.

Customer concentration risk refers to the share of an individual customer in total sales. For example, the concentration risk is often low in e-commerce, marketplaces, or transportation. In contrast, in the project business, subcontracting in the metal or engineering industry, the concentration risk may be high. If possible, diversify the risk of concentration and reduce the impact of business cycles and cash flow risk.

  • See how the TOP 10 Customers look in the comparison period

  • Zoom in on each customer, product, and supplier with a full history & future

  • Predict churn and react faster than competitors

Be systematic with invoicing, Cash Forecast, and Cash Flow Risk.

Regular invoicing keeps cash flow risk and cash forecast steady. The longer the payment delay, the more uncertain it is that you will never get the money to the bank account. Extend the payment time for purchase invoices, but never do so without agreeing with the supplier.

The environment is changing rapidly right now. If you need to make better decisions faster, we’d love to serve you -quickly.

Grow Faster with Less Risk. Start using riskrate is free of charge. No manual work, no hidden costs, no setup fees, no integration project. We think that knowing future money flow should be a basic right for every company.

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